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Gentlemen, you may want to remove that laptop from your lap

Gentlemen, we are about to boldly go where BGR has never gone before. We are about to discuss that personal area between your belly button and knee caps, affectionately known as the: gonadsballsdingle-berries, ornuts. Today, on our beloved technology blog, we’re talking testicles. Now, we know what you’re thinking: what? Hit the jump to hear us out.
Reuters is reporting that a study in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility states that men who use their laptop on, well, their laps, could be affecting their sperm quality. The study notes that placing the warm, portable, computer on-top of your man region causes the proverbial thermostat of your two, dangling friends to rise above its optimal setting.

“Millions and millions of men are using laptops now, especially those in the reproductive age range,” wrote Dr. Yefim Sheynkin, a urologist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. “Within 10 or 15 minutes their scrotal temperature is already above what we consider safe, but they don’t feel it.”
The doctor notes that repeated use could “contribute to reproductive problems,” but does write that using a laptop computer on your lap will not directly cause infertility.
The most comical line from the Reuters post is as follows:
The researchers hooked thermometers to the scrotums of 29 young men who were balancing a laptop on their knees.
Priceless. There you have it men. The next time you want to plop that notebook down on your lap, think twice, and remember… you could be microwaving your man-friends.
via BGR

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