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AT&T’s Windows Phone 7 Sales: Store Feedback

With Windows Phone having launched just this past Monday, and with rumors of the new smartphone OS selling 40,000 units on launch day (impressive, in our opinion), we wanted to do some digging of our own. We reached out to 15 corporate AT&T stores in the New York City, Miami, and Chicago areas to get an idea of what was selling — and any feedback sales reps had from customers.  The big theme we found? While stores aren’t sold out of the devices, we were told a lot of them had almost sold out of their first shipments and that the Samsung Focus was doing much better than the HTC Surround. Hit the jump to see some of the information we compiled.
• Store 1: “They are not flying off the shelves, people are being super cautious.”
• Store 2: “Sold more than a few!”
• Store 3: “Doing okay, third one was delayed due to manufacturing.”
• Store 4: “Store sold 10 since Monday.”
• Store 5: “Sold 4 yesterday in-store; the Samsung Focus is much more popular than the others.”
• Store 6:  ”They sold really well”
• Store 7:  ”Sold 2 since launch.”
• Store 8: “Sold 4 total.”
• Store 9: “Only have sold 1 since it came out; almost no interest.”
• Store 10: “We sold 2.”
• Store 11: “Sold one Samsung Focus.”
• Store 12: “Between 10-15; Samsung seems much more popular than the HTC model”
• Store 13: “Windows Phone is selling well. We’ve sold around 15 since launch.”
• Store 14: “Sold 10 total.”
• Store 15: “Sold a lot of them! The Samsung model is most popular because of the screen.”
All in all, the devices seem to be selling in respectable quantities for a brand new mobile operating system. Microsoft’s approach is normally a slow and steady fight to the top (think Xbox), and with the amount of marketing dollars they have to spend — not to mention a bunch of top-tier manufacturers on-board — it’s still anyone’s game at this point.
via BGR

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