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WebOS Like Task Switcher

If you have ever looked at WebOS with an envious eye aimed at its great task switching ability, there is no need to anymore, Android can do it. In a recent development over at XDA, a member produced a freeware application that gives you WebOS like task switching abilities with the inclusion of a great gesture based app launcher, and more. The simply installed application allows you to set it as your home screen for those that have unrooted devices; otherwise you can set it as your default task switcher. 

app is called itching thumb... its free. can be used as a task switcher or a home replacement launcher.
app will let you easily switch between apps using a like cards preview of all running apps, similar to palm pres and pixie. Great app and very stable. no FC on my evo....(knock on wood)...just select it as your home button, and your good to go!
Now if that interests you, look it up on the app store, or appbrain (if you use it). 
Original XDA thread

via droidforums

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