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Liquavista Shows Off Unbreakable Flexible Displays [Video]

Liquavista has been working on their electrowetting technology for awhile now, doing what they can to improve the technology and implement it in new ideas. Their latest use of the tech is the company’s brand new flexible displays, which the company is very proud of. They’ve put a small announcement regarding the flexible displays on the front page of their webpage, as well as a video that you can find after the cut.

Liquavista says that the new flexible displays are fully capable of displaying colors, and that they feature a very high refresh rate. And, as we’ve come to expect from most flexible displays, it won’t be as power hungry as a regular display. The company also boasts that you’ll be able to read what’s on the display easily enough, no matter the lighting condition you find yourself.
And, as the title suggests, the company believes that their new flexible displays are unbreakable. Of course, that’s a relative term that some may use in a different way than some might expect. After all, you don’t really see the company putting the display through tests to wage how “unbreakable” it is, but we can see that the display is certainly very flexible. Check out the video below.

via SlashGear

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