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Microsoft Blames Developers for Poorly-Performing WP7 Apps

Microsoft is defending itself against accusations of laggy app performance on Windows Phone 7, calling it an issue of unoptimized code and not a fundamental problem with the platform itself. Speaking to the Microsoft-focused winrumors, WP7 chief Brandon Watson responded to several reviewers and critics who characterized certain applications as behaving sluggishly, claiming that "it is easy to write poorly performing apps, anybody can do it." In other words, Watson concedes that performance issues do exist, but blames them on the developers -- despite that fact that all programs must go through an App Store-like approval process by Microsoft itself. 

Watson goes on to suggest that quality will improve as developers become more comfortable with the platform, and notes that Redmond is doing all that it can to educate devs about known pitfalls in the native code. "We're giving strong guidance," he declared. 

via PocketNow

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