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IE9 Platform Preview 7 Tops Browser Speed Charts

Microsoft has announced that the newly released Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview 7 is the fastest web browser yet, even quicker than Google's super-fast Chrome browser.

Releasing the 7th platform preview version of the web browser to the developers, the company said that IE9 was now the fastest web browser on the planet in terms of JavaScript speeds.

Microsoft has chosen to release IE9 as a public beta and as a preview versions for developers. While the public beta is for general use, the preview version is meant only for the developers so that they can run tests on the browser and provide Microsoft with feedback.

The company said that the public beta version will not be updated to include the super-fast JavaScript that comes with the IE9 Platform Preview 7.

“Looking ahead, we will continue to improve IE9’s performance. Making the full power of the PC available to websites is part of our focus on real-world sites and real-world performance. We’ll continue to work with the W3C and other browser developers,” the company said.

via ITProPortal

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